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The Wall Street Journal

..."Even more overtly psychedelic are Rafael Plaisant 's works on paper that feature Day-Glo colors, extraterrestrial geometric shapes and central portals that peer into tiny detailed landscapes. His display by New York's High Noon calls out for a blacklight and a shag carpet."

The Art Newspaper

..."A different kind of push and pull is at work in the dazzling acrylic, gouache and ink works on paper by Rafael Plaisant filling the walls of New York-based High Noon gallery's stand, which also features bewitching ceramic busts by Elisa Soliven. Plaisant's abstract compositions toggle between ancient, contemporary and futuristic forms, evoking traditional scroll paintings and mandalas, Russian Constructivism, psychedelic poster art and science-fiction imagery, among other touchstones."

Revista Amarello

..."importantíssimo ressaltar o papel da cor em seus trabalhos. Novamente, podemos perceber que o jogo baseado em certa aleatoriedade guia os movimentos do artista. Quero dizer, com isso, que sua articulação, longe de ser um golpe de sorte, funciona mais como uma improvisação musical, em que a nota cromática ou acorde anterior propõe uma pergunta visual que é respondida pela nota ou acorde seguinte."...

Suboart Magazine

..."With a practice that alternates between watercolor and gouache on cotton paper and acrylic and spray enamel on linen, exploring texture, movement, and composition within a sculptural framework that nods to multi-cultural architectural and ritualistic elements."...

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